Sembawang Hot Spring Park : Century-old hot spring

Sembawang Hot Spring Park Whe n people think of hot springs, they usually associate it with Taiwan and Japan. However, in this sunny merlion city (Singapore) , there is a natural hot spring that is more than a century old. It has undergone various transformations along the way and survived till this day. T his place isnt a hot spring resort or bathing pools but it does make for a good day-trip to take foot baths and cook hot spring eggs. History The Sembawang Hot Spring has its history dating back to the early 1900s, way before Singapore became an independent country. In 1908, four hot springs were discovered in Seah Eng Keong’s pineapple estate in the Sembawang region. Eng Kong covered three of them in order to concentrate all the water flow through the fourth hot spring. At the same time, he sent a sample of the hot spring water to London for a thorough examination. The report came back with favourable results on the quality of the water thus Eng Kong decided to bottle the...